Regarding Access to Public Information at the Kyiv Modern-Ballet Academic Theatre
In matters of access to public information, the Kyiv Modern-Ballet Academic Theatre adheres to the following:
The Law of Ukraine dated January 13, 2011, No. 2939-VI "On Access to Public Information"
Dear website visitors!
We inform you that, according to part six of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals," a written appeal must be sent by mail or personally delivered by the citizen to the relevant authority or institution, or through an authorized representative whose authority is documented in accordance with the law. A written appeal may also be submitted via the Internet or by means of electronic communication (an electronic appeal). Therefore, an electronic appeal is considered a form of written appeal.
At the same time, we draw your attention to the fact that, according to part seven of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals," an appeal must include the surname, first name, patronymic, place of residence of the citizen, and a description of the issue, comments, proposals, statements, complaints, requests, or demands. The written appeal must be signed by the applicant(s) and dated*. An electronic appeal must also include an email address to which a response can be sent, or information about other means of communication. The use of an electronic digital signature is not required when submitting an electronic appeal.
Please note! According to part one of Article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals": Appeals that are not subject to review and resolution. A written appeal without the place of residence indicated, unsigned by the author(s), or one where authorship cannot be established, is considered anonymous and will not be reviewed.
* According to the definition in the Legal Encyclopedia, a signature is defined as "a graphic sign indicating the person who performed it, executed by them to certify the document or confirm the information contained in the document, reflecting their relationship to it" (Legal Encyclopedia; in 6 vols./ Editorial board: Y.S. Shemshuchenko (head of the editorial board) and others. - Kyiv: "Ukrainian Encyclopedia," 1998. ISBN 966-7492-00-1), and according to the Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language, a signature is "a surname or initials handwritten under the text, drawing, painting, etc., as evidence of authorship or confirmation of something" (7th edition: Large Explanatory Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (with Add., supplements on CD)/ Editor-in-chief V.T. Busel - Kyiv: Irpin: VTF "Perun," 2009 - 1736 pages: ill. - ISBN 966-569-013-2).
Based on the above, a citizen's signature on an electronic appeal may be scanned, photographed, etc. Of course, electronic appeals signed with an electronic digital signature are also accepted for processing.
Appeals that do not comply with these requirements will be returned to you with the relevant explanations no later than ten days after their receipt, according to part eight of Article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals."
Form for electronic submission of an appeal:
To submit an electronic appeal to the Kyiv Modern-Ballet Academic Theatre, please complete all fields in the form HERE. When submitting an appeal, indicate the nature of your question, provide your contact information, and leave up-to-date contact details for feedback. If necessary, attach files, with a maximum total size of 50 MB and a single file size of 5 MB.
You will receive a response within 30 calendar days. In certain cases, if the appeal requires additional study, you will be notified, and the response time may extend to 45 calendar days. Requests for information are processed more quickly, with responses provided within 5 working days (or 20 working days if the request involves a large volume of information).
The Kyiv Modern-Ballet Academic Theatre does not consider anonymous appeals without the author’s name and place of residence. If your appeal falls outside the Theatre's jurisdiction, it will be forwarded to the appropriate state authority. The Theatre also does not consider repeated appeals on the same issue if the first appeal has already been resolved.
If the submitted appeal does not constitute an information request, it will not be registered or reviewed as such, as it does not correspond to the method of submission.
If properly formatted, your appeal will be considered in accordance with the procedure outlined by the Law of Ukraine "On Citizens' Appeals."
Administrative and management personnel of the Theatre