Vladyslav Detiuchenko

He has been studying at Kyiv University of Culture and Arts, choreography faculty (since 2014)

Since 2018 - he has been performing in the troupe of the "Kyiv Modern-Ballet" theatre.

In 2018 - he made the first performance in the framework at the modern choreography "Con tutti i strumenti" - "In Black" on the music of Ben Frost "Through the roof of your mouth"

In 2018 - he was a co-founder, artistic director of the modern dance theatre "n'Era Dance Group"

He was a member of the Association "Platform of Modern Dance of Ukraine"

Hungary, Vitebsk, the Netherlands and the cities of Ukraine

Competitions and awards
2018 - 2nd prize for the competition work "ALPHA". ХХХІ IFMC International Contemporary Choreography Festival, Vitebsk, Belarus