Oleksandr Bilozub

People's Artist of Ukraine
In 1979 he graduated from the Mykhailo Boichuk Kyiv State Institute of Decorative and Applied Arts and Design.
In 1986-1989, he studied at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Department of Directing and Acting, Professor Dmytro Tchaikovsky.
Since 1989, he has been working as an art director in Ukrainian theatres: Lviv Academic Spiritual Theatre "Voskresennya", Sumy Regional Academic Theatre of Drama and Musical Comedy named after M.S. Shchepkin, Mykolaiv Drama Theatre named after Chkalov, Arabesque Theatre (Kharkiv); joint projects with the rock band "Dead Cock".
From 2002 to 2015, he worked at the Ivan Franko National Academic Drama Theatre (as a director, production designer and actor). From 2002 to the present, he has been working as a supply artist with director Attila Vidniansky in theatres of Hungary (Hungarian National Drama Theatre in Budapest since 2013).  Since 2016, he has been the chief artist of the National Operetta of Ukraine. 
People's Artist of Ukraine (2021).
Hungarian Golden Cross of Merit - the highest rank of the Hungarian Cross awarded by the President of Hungary (February 2019).
Honoured Artist of Ukraine (2011).
Winner of the Yosyp Hirniak International Theatre Award. 
Kyiv Pectoral Award (2002). Kyiv Pectoral Award (2006).
Best scenography and costumes - Poszt Theatre Festival, Hungary (2015).
Award for Best Film for A Szarvassa Valtozott Fiu (The Deer) at the Los Angeles Hungarian Film Festival, USA (2015).