At the center of the ballet "The Little Prince" is the story of the Little Prince, his idea of the value of the relationship between two individuals, where each journey to a new planet is a deep understanding of the essence of the individual. It is a story about the superiority of simple things and values over the vanity and complexity of the "adult world", about the importance of childhood as the main period of human life. The purpose of the performance is to remind adults that in everyday affairs, in the accumulation of material values, they forget about spiritual values, which play an important role in the process of becoming a person.
The play has many surprises: from the music (the play uses the music of 8-year-old W.A.Mozart in combination with Ukrainian lullabies) to choreographic solutions, unique costumes (costume designer Dmytro Kuryata), as well as modern 3D projection technologies (by Olha Nikitina) and stage lighting (Olena Antokhina).
The performance premiered on October 21, 2020.
«Завжди більш цікавіша багатовимірна дія, ніж одновимірна, і я подумав, що в цьому коктейлі – Екзюпері, Моцарт – буде чудово, якщо з’явиться українська народна мелодика», – так Раду Поклітару представив новий спектакль Kyiv Modern-Ballet «Маленький Принц» (в головній ролі Артем Шошин)
Раду Поклитару в постановке "Маленький принц" раскрыл все тайные, глубокие смыслы, заложенные в этом произведении
«Маленький Принц» – нова робота «Київського Модерн Балету» з хореографією Раду Поклітару